Module e2_application_sup

e2 application supervisor.

Copyright © 2011-2016 Garrett Smith

Authors: Garrett Smith ([email protected]).

See also: e2_application.


e2 application supervisor.

An e2 application supervisor specializes in used for top-level of an e2 applicaiton.

This supervisor type is used by e2_application and is not typically used directly.

Function Index

start_link/1Starts a linked application supervisor process.
start_link/2Starts a linked application supervisor process.

Function Details


start_link(AppMod) -> any()

Equivalent to start_link(AppMod, []).

Starts a linked application supervisor process.


start_link(AppMod, Options) -> {ok, Pid} | {error, Reason}

Starts a linked application supervisor process.

Refer to e2_supervisor:start_link/3 for details about Options.

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